Tuesday 26 October 2010

Runaway - Epic Film Release from Kanye West

Kanye West has just outdone Telephone and dropped THE definitive music film - Runaway
But at 35 minutes long, this epic comes in with a big promise, does it live up to the hype?

There's a lot of opinion surrounding Kanye West, and a lot of controversy. Allegations of Illuminati involvement and racism have shadowed his recent work, but they've been blown into the corners this time. Despite a lot of religious iconography (Those pointed hoods that come in at around 8 minutes are from orthodox sects of Catholicism, not the KKK) and maybe a little hint towards black supremacy during the dinner scene (all the servants and performers are white, all the guests are black), the film remains surprisingly controversy free. 

The same however can't be said of Kanye's arrogance. It shines through every scene like a fiery beacon of self indulgence, but it is this confidence that floats the film, without it there wouldn't be such grandeur and decadence. There's obviously a lot of music punctuating the half hour, sounding typically Kanye, but it's new, fresh material, and most of the songs are very good. There are a couple of sections where he sings off key, but strangely, this seems endearing rather than annoying - Perhaps showing a little hole in the great Kanye West image works to make him more likeable?

The scenes themselves are shot vividly and expressively, with bold colours and striking sets for each shot. You can see the huge budget used to good effect; massive explosions filmed in slow motion, flourishing costumes and huge casts. The choreography in the ballet scene (starting at 16 minutes in) is incredible, as is the camera work, providing probably the most impressive section of the film.

Directed by West himself, this film serves as an explosive insight into the creative mind of one of the most influential artists and producers of our time. 

And with 2.5 million views already, you'd better jump on the bandwagon quickly

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